stream concept

英 [striːm ˈkɒnsept] 美 [striːm ˈkɑːnsept]




  1. The complexity of feature selection for real-world data stream will increase because of high-dimensional data and concept drifting.
  2. An Algorithm for Classifying Data Stream with Recurrent Concept Drift
  3. Nowadays, the main stream of art in the West is the concept art, in which some of them are device art and behavior art. So some people say that from the viewpoint of western people, the discussion of oil painting is a clich é.
  4. The emergence of P2P stream media playing model greatly influences the conventional TV and net concept. It makes it possible to watch the real-time programs over Internet.
  5. Research on Concurrent Design Based on Design Stream Concept
  6. The direct calculating method about the concentration of oil in outlet stream of multi-plate oil-water separator is derived by introducing the concept of critical inlet position.
  7. This paper first expresses a multimedia stream by two instantaneous events according to the CSP ( Communicating Sequential Process) theory. Then the concept of time duration vector is defined and some computations on it are considered.
  8. The Structure of Mao Dun ′ s Early Realistic Literary Theory and the Pattern of Main Stream Literary Concept
  9. A criterion of the minimum displacement of the top of dam bodies along the stream direction was developed by use of the basic concept of nibble evolutionary structural optimization ( ESO) for discussion of the physical meaning of the triangular section of gravity dams.
  10. Stream is an important concept of ( C++), it provides two operators ( < < and>>) to extract data from an input stream or put data into an output stream.
  11. Changes in channel width are calculated based on the minimum stream power concept.
  12. In the beginning, we summarize the researches and developments of media stream service and introduce basic theory and international standards in video coding field. It is introduced secondly the basic concept of temporal scalability, spatial scalability and SNR scalability.
  13. According to the development of computer architectures, on the basis of the concept of Instruction Stream computation, Data Stream computation and Configuration Stream computation, this paper proposes a new classification model of computer architectures.
  14. The discussion of "literature at leisure" focuses on the conflict between main stream consciousness and free individual: concept of material desire and traditional thoughts.
  15. How the writing main body answers so turbulent information stream, each links how to change concept, adjusting a role that advanced digital technique is applied to writing much better.
  16. Sculpture art in the contemporary context, the use of stream of consciousness technique, gradually from the structure of the aesthetic concept of development to the vision, the spirit of ideas presented by the language of the sculpture.